Veterans' Resources

Experienced Attorneys Serving Florida Veterans

Veterans Disability Law

You served our country, so now let us serve you.

Chambers Law Firm, P.A. applauds the service you have given our country, and we honor the sacrifices you made. As a veteran, you may be eligible for veteran disability benefits. After serving our country so valiantly, we want you to get the help to which you are entitled. We can help you file a claim or appeal a prior decision. We’ll walk you through the appeals process and make sure you get the best representation possible.

Advantages of having a VA attorney

Having an experienced attorney on your side can help you navigate the complex maze of VA rules and regulations in your VA disability claim, and can reduce the number of headaches and worries you have to go through. It is a significant advantage to you to be represented by an attorney after you receive a decision on your VA disability claim for several reasons:

  1. VA laws and regulations are very complex and often difficult to understand.
  2. VA regulations are also subject to frequent legal changes and the appeals process contains important, time-sensitive deadlines.
  3. If the deadlines are missed, the claim for which you have already waited so long may be damaged, or even entirely lost. 

Did you know that VA benefits are not based on financial need?

VA service connected compensation benefits, unlike other disability assistance, is not based upon financial need. Your assets do not come into consideration and any benefits are tax free. However, just like other disability issues, the process is often confusing and frustrating. The issue of service connection is often ambiguous and in dispute.

Are you ready to apply VA disability benefits?

Whether you are applying for the first time, reopening a prior claim, looking into a rate increase, or need help appealing a denial we can help. We help members of all areas of the armed forces including: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines and Navy. We serve all Florida Veterans.

At the Chambers Law Firm, P.A. in Spring Hill, FL, disability attorney, Chris Chambers guides clients through this process – a diligent and experienced attorney can be the difference between success and failure. 

Get started by completing

and submitting this VA Disability form. 

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